Easy Way to Find Hidden Wyrmtongue Cache

Wyrmtongue Caches for Gold

Now that Artifact Power can be vendored for gold, farming Wyrmtongue Caches and other AP treasures gives you gold.

Since the next step in Silithus quest chain was implemented 26/27 June 2018, Artifact Power can now be vendored.

Artifact Power for Gold

Meanwhile, back at the Broken Shore, there are Wyrmtongue Caches just lying around that are full of Artifact Power, which can now be vendored.

Sure, it's not a fortune, but it's gold, and gold is gold. And it's free gold lying around waiting for you to take it.

Here's a reprint of my guide to Wyrmtongue Caches

Farming Wyrmtongue Caches

These hidden wyrmtongue caches are simple treasure chests that spawn around the Broken Shore.

They can hold Artifact Power, Dauntless tokens (850 armor), greys for vendoring, order resources, and legionfall resources.

Tom Tom Coordinates (FULL)

/way 45.9 63.8
/way 42.9 62.0
/way 42.0 67.1
/way 40.6 72.9
/way 36.8 71.7
/way 40.1 61.1
/way 37.8 61.3
/way 39.0 58.3
/way 30.0 67.0
/way 28.5 60.5
/way 29.5 60.0
/way 30.7 57.7
/way 30.9 49.6
/way 33.8 54.0
/way 41.2 51.2
/way 43.5 52.3
/way 46.2 50.6
/way 50.5 49.9
/way 49.8 46.5
/way 47.5 46.8
/way 45.7 46.8
/way 46.1 43.5
/way 43.5 46.9
/way 42.1 42.8
/way 37.9 43.0
/way 41.5 36.5
/way 47.9 34.4
/way 38.7 34.5
/way 32.9 32.2
/way 31.1 32.1
/way 30.9 33.3
/way 36.5 24.5
/way 43.4 26.6
/way 44.6 33.5
/way 48.0 34.1
/way 47.6 34.7
/way 52.1 41.5
/way 53.6 45.6
/way 57.4 43.5
/way 57.2 52.9
/way 56.9 56.8
/way 58.0 56.0
/way 55.2 59.6
/way 52.5 59.2
/way 50.8 59.5
/way 47.5 66.9
/way 49.2 73.9
/way 50.1 85.3
/way 52.9 81.8
/way 52.0 77.0
/way 51.7 70.5
/way 54.6 74.2
/way 58.9 72.9
/way 67.3 67.5
/way 56.3 65.1
/way 61.0 58.5
/way 62.5 55.0
/way 62.9 54.0
/way 62.8 52.6
/way 63.2 51.9
/way 61.5 50.0
/way 57.4 43.5
/way 61.5 43.0
/way 61.9 39.0
/way 64.7 45.5
/way 67.9 42.1
/way 70.0 37.5
/way 69.4 38.0
/way 71.7 41.5
/way 72.0 40.7
/way 72.8 38.5
/way 73.8 36.4
/way 76.0 36.0
/way 79.0 37.3
/way 82.5 46.0
/way 85.5 54.0
/way 84.6 65.6
/way 90.5 58.6
/way 89.6 43.9
/way 82.5 31.2
/way 85.8 29.7
/way 85.0 23.2
/way 77.1 21.0
/way 74.7 29.8
/way 70.8 31.7
/way 63.9 30.8
/way 61.8 31.5
/way 61.9 33.1
/way 58.0 31.1
/way 60.7 28.3
/way 63.0 24.8
/way 68.5 19.6
/way 70.0 19.1
/way 60.9 11.8
/way 64.2 18.1
/way 57.1 14.2
/way 53.3 19.6
/way 49.0 18.6
/way 42.0 15.7
/way 53.6 27.8
/way 52.3 29.9

Suggestion: Use the addon "Paste" to add these to your tomtom route.

type /paste show to bring up the window, paste into the window, and the addon will send the route to tomtom.

Addons For Farming Nethershards



Server Hop

Server Hop for More Wyrmtongue Caches

  1. Pick an area with a good selection of Hidden Wyrmtongue Caches nearby.
  2. Scout the area
  3. Pick up any caches you find.
  4. Server Hop to the next server.
  5. Re-Scout the area
  6. Pick up any caches you find.
  7. Server Hop again
  8. Repeat until you drown in gold.

Death of World Quest Group Finder?

I can't find any response by Blizzard about this, but it's looking like World Quest Group Finder might be dead for BfA.

If that's true, then we want to do all our server hopping now, while we still can.

Please remember that this is beta and it could just a bug.  I'll keep you updated.

Good luck and happy gold making

Goldqueen fase About the Author

Alyzande is one of the TGQ authors. She's working on her 15th 110, has 10 years expertise in making gold, 19,000+ achievements, 1593 days played, over 39 million gold earned, and now playing World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth beta. The Gold Queen blog teaches you how to make gold playing Warcraft using ethical trading, auction house flipping, crafting, reselling, snatch lists, and farming gold making. Want more updates on Warcraft Legion? Support my Patreon for exclusive pre-release Battle for Azeroth Gold Guides.


Source: https://www.thegoldqueen.com/farming-guides/wyrmtongue-caches-gold/

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